Redeemed Lives

Beautiful Churches

Transformed Communities

Who We Are Ministries

For more than a century

South America Mission has been working to see the Church of Jesus Christ multiplied and transforming communities by embodying the Kingdom of God. It has been our privilege to participate in Christ’s sufferings. Some have even laid down their lives. We rejoice in the progress of the gospel, a result of the faithfulness of those who have gone before. Yet our zeal for God’s glory in the nations has not waned.

Today that zeal translates into visible form through our missionaries and partners working to share the gospel, reproduce authentic disciples of Jesus, plant churches, train leaders and equip God’s people to minister transformationally.

Pray for: VBS Mission Trip at Refugio de Esperanza February 21st, 2025

Carmel Christian students are traveling to Pucallpa, Peru, for a VBS mission trip, partnering with SAM Academy to serve at Refugio de Esperanza. Refugio is a place of hope and transformation for children, youth, and adults with disabilities—offering education, vocational training, rehabilitation, and discipleship.

Pray for unity and joy as Carmel Christian and SAM Academy students build friendships while serving together. Ask God to deepen their faith and expand their perspective on His work in the world. Pray that through this VBS (based on Romans 12:2), the children at Refugio will know they are deeply loved by God.

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From the Blog

Surprise! This is Home.

As we reflect on Celebrating Lives Changed in 2024, we return to the words our Executive Director shared recently: “Changed lives change lives.” The work God is doing in Latin America through our missionaries, partners, and friends begins with transformation in their own hearts and lives.

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Yes, we need skills. But, moreover, we need hearts transformed by Jesus. We seek interns ready to serve, eyes wide open, for a deeper understanding of God’s work in Latin America.

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